A New Collection of Poetry and Photographs

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Prufrock Press To Publish Unique Collection of Poetry and Photos

Prufrock Press is known as "The Nation's Leading Resource for Special Needs, Gifted, and Advanced Learners." You can visit this fine publishing house at www.prufrock.com. Elizabeth Guy and I are proud to announce that Prufrock has selected our latest work, Reflect and Write: 270 Poems and Photographs to Inspire Writing, for publication in February, 2013.
       Here's what  Joe Milner, Ph.D., Director of English Education, Wake Forest University, wrote in his introduction to the work. "This arrangement of poignant poems, vital pictures, and compelling quotations from such literary giants as Voltaire, Wordsworth,  Smith, and others is so beautifully crafted that I hesitate to write an introduction to the work."
       Contributed by twenty-three students, twenty-three teachers, and thirteen other writers and photographers nationwide, Reflect and Write weds original poems to beautiful photographs that are sure to inspire not only spirited class discussion, but also interesting and exciting written works. What's more, significant quotations and keywords accompany each of the poems.
A Sample from Reflect and Write
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undisturbed. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
                                                                            -Hans Margolius
reflections on the water's surface
A pebble
seen through the water's eyes,
its image rippling.
A toss,
a silent splash.
Something so powerless,
makes such a big impact.
Its image,
crafted on the water's surface, 
a movement in the still water,
shattering the cool surface of the shimmering lake.
You wave,
And your reflection waves back.
This person you see in the rippling water is
                                -Sarah Marlin
     Sarah Marlin was a thirteen-year-old student in Tinmah Steinman's class at  Park Day School in Oakland, California when she wrote "reflections on the water's surface."
Another Excellent Publication from Prufrock Press
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